Clementine Powder Recipe

Clementine Powder Recipe

Clementine powder is an essential condiment that adds a magical touch to your sweet and savory dishes!

Clementine powder is an essential condiment that adds a magical touch to your sweet and savory dishes!


  • Corsican Clementines10 Pieces


  1. 1Preparation:
    Clementine Powder: Step 1

    Thoroughly wash the Corsican clementines or organic oranges and remove the peel.

  2. 2
    Scrape off the white pith.
  3. 3
    Let them dry in a low-temperature oven (or on a radiator!).
  4. To finish:

    Blend everything together and store it in an airtight glass jar. This is a zero-waste condiment that benefits both the planet and your palate!

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